
5.13 Representation of time of day

In documents presented in both official languages, and in all forms of international communication, it may be desirable to use the 24-hour system for representing time of day, in accordance with International Standard ISO 3307 and the Treasury Board Federal Identity Program Manual.

The hour is represented by a two-digit number ranging from 00 up to 23 (or 24), the minute and second are represented by a two-digit number ranging from 00 up to 59, and the colon is used as a separator between hour and minute and between minute and second, as illustrated:

24-hour representation

with seconds without seconds
00:15:00 00:15
08:00:00 08:00
12:00:00 12:00 (noon)
24:00:00 24:00 (midnight)
07:15:00 07:15
11:37:00 11:37
14:12:26 14:12


The instant of midnight should be represented (when seconds are included) as either 24:00:00, the end of one day, or 00:00:00, the beginning of the next day, according to circumstances.