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4.12 School subjects, courses and degrees

In keeping with 4.11 Races, languages and peoples above, capitalize the names of languages. Do not capitalize the names of other disciplines when used in a general sense. Capitalize them when used to refer to school subjects or the names of particular courses:

  • This university requires French as a prerequisite.
  • She is interested in history.
  • He reads articles on economics and biology in his spare time.


  • He passed with a "B" in History this term.
  • She is taking Chemistry 101 and Economics 406.

Do not capitalize the name of a degree in informal references, but do capitalize it when it is written in full:

  • Janet is earning her master’s degree.
  • Ellen Compton, Doctor of Philosophy
  • He holds a Master of Arts degree from McGill University.

Do not capitalize terms designating academic years:

  • She held two jobs during her senior year.

Capitalize grade when followed by a number or letter:

  • My daughter has completed Grade 6.