The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
kiln [9 records]
Record 1 - external organization data 2021-03-18
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Compartment – Nomenclature 4.0
- Museums and Heritage (General)
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 1, English, kiln
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
kiln: an item in the "Glass, Plastics and Clayworking Tools and Equipment" class of the "Tools and Equipment for Materials" category. 2, record 1, English, - kiln
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Tiroir – Nomenclature 4.0
- Muséologie et patrimoine (Généralités)
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- four de potier
1, record 1, French, four%20de%20potier
correct, masculine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
four de potier : objet de la classe «Outils et équipement de verre, de plastiques et de céramique» de la catégorie «Outillage et équipement pour le traitement des matières». 2, record 1, French, - four%20de%20potier
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
Record 2 - internal organization data 2017-07-24
Record 2, English
Record 2, Subject field(s)
- Archaeology
- Anthropology
Record 2, Main entry term, English
Record 2, Abbreviations, English
Record 2, Synonyms, English
Record 2, French
Record 2, Domaine(s)
- Archéologie
- Anthropologie
Record 2, Main entry term, French
- four de potier 1, record 2, French, four%20de%20potier
Record 2, Abbreviations, French
Record 2, Synonyms, French
Record 2, Textual support, French
Record 2, Spanish
Record 2, Textual support, Spanish
Record 3 - internal organization data 2008-09-25
Record 3, English
Record 3, Subject field(s)
- Wood Drying
- Drying Equipment (Air Cond. and Heating)
Record 3, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 3, English, kiln
correct, noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, English
Record 3, Synonyms, English
- dry kiln 2, record 3, English, dry%20kiln
- drying kiln 3, record 3, English, drying%20kiln
Record 3, Textual support, English
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
An enclosed chamber in which air of controlled temperature and relative humidity is circulated through stickered parcels of lumber in order to remove moisture from the lumber. 4, record 3, English, - kiln
Record 3, French
Record 3, Domaine(s)
- Séchage du bois
- Étuves et séchoirs (Cond. de l'air et chauffage)
Record 3, Main entry term, French
- séchoir
1, record 3, French, s%C3%A9choir
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, French
Record 3, Synonyms, French
- séchoir à bois 2, record 3, French, s%C3%A9choir%20%C3%A0%20bois
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Textual support, French
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Construction aménagée pour que puisse y circuler de l'air à température et humidité convenablement réglables. 1, record 3, French, - s%C3%A9choir
Record number: 3, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Les séchoirs sont conçus pour fournir et contrôler les facteurs physiques de séchage du bois, soit: la chaleur, l'humidité, et la circulation de l'air. 3, record 3, French, - s%C3%A9choir
Record 3, Spanish
Record 3, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Secado de la madera
- Secadores (Acondicionamiento de aire y calefacción)
Record 3, Main entry term, Spanish
- secadero
1, record 3, Spanish, secadero
correct, masculine noun
Record 3, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 3, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 3, Textual support, Spanish
Record 4 - internal organization data 2002-11-19
Record 4, English
Record 4, Subject field(s)
- Industrial Tools and Equipment
- Brewing and Malting
Record 4, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 4, English, kiln
Record 4, Abbreviations, English
Record 4, Synonyms, English
- malt kiln 2, record 4, English, malt%20kiln
Record 4, Textual support, English
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
To stop further growth of the sprouts, the green malt is placed in a kiln and dried. 3, record 4, English, - kiln
Record 4, French
Record 4, Domaine(s)
- Outillage industriel
- Brasserie et malterie
Record 4, Main entry term, French
- touraille
1, record 4, French, touraille
correct, feminine noun
Record 4, Abbreviations, French
Record 4, Synonyms, French
- touraille à malt 2, record 4, French, touraille%20%C3%A0%20malt
correct, feminine noun
Record 4, Textual support, French
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Étuve dans laquelle on chauffe le malt (orge germé) pour arrêter la germination [...] 3, record 4, French, - touraille
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 1 CONT
C'est l'opération du touraillage qui doit son nom aux appareils où elle se pratique, les tourailles, sortes de tours-étuves où le malt étalé sur des claies en toile métallique est traversé par un courant ascendant de gaz chauds. 4, record 4, French, - touraille
Record number: 4, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Les grains d'orge sont ensuite séchés lentement dans la touraille à malt, processus destiné à stopper la germination. 2, record 4, French, - touraille
Record 4, Spanish
Record 4, Textual support, Spanish
Record 5 - internal organization data 2002-09-17
Record 5, English
Record 5, Subject field(s)
- Refractory Materials (Metallurgy)
- Ovens and Baking (Ceramics)
Record 5, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 5, English, kiln
Record 5, Abbreviations, English
Record 5, Synonyms, English
Record 5, Textual support, English
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 DEF
A refractory-lined chamber, more especially of the type used for firing ceramic goods or for calcining raw material. 2, record 5, English, - kiln
Record 5, French
Record 5, Domaine(s)
- Matériaux réfractaires (Métallurgie)
- Fours et cuisson (Céramique industrielle)
Record 5, Main entry term, French
- four
1, record 5, French, four
masculine noun
Record 5, Abbreviations, French
Record 5, Synonyms, French
Record 5, Textual support, French
Record number: 5, Textual support number: 1 DEF
[...] fours de cuisson des produits céramiques en particulier ou de calcination des matières premières. 2, record 5, French, - four
Record 5, Spanish
Record 5, Campo(s) temático(s)
- Materiales refractarios (Metalurgia)
- Hornos y cocción (Industria de la cerámica)
Record 5, Main entry term, Spanish
- horno
1, record 5, Spanish, horno
masculine noun
Record 5, Abbreviations, Spanish
Record 5, Synonyms, Spanish
Record 5, Textual support, Spanish
Record 6 - internal organization data 1997-12-29
Record 6, English
Record 6, Subject field(s)
- Brewing and Malting
Record 6, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 6, English, kiln
Record 6, Abbreviations, English
Record 6, Synonyms, English
Record 6, Textual support, English
Record number: 6, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Process of the brewery industry. 2, record 6, English, - kiln
Record 6, French
Record 6, Domaine(s)
- Brasserie et malterie
Record 6, Main entry term, French
- tourailler
1, record 6, French, tourailler
correct, verb
Record 6, Abbreviations, French
Record 6, Synonyms, French
Record 6, Textual support, French
Record 6, Spanish
Record 6, Textual support, Spanish
Record 7 - internal organization data 1997-11-20
Record 7, English
Record 7, Subject field(s)
- Drying Equipment (Air Cond. and Heating)
Record 7, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 7, English, kiln
correct, verb
Record 7, Abbreviations, English
Record 7, Synonyms, English
Record 7, Textual support, English
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 DEF
To dry, burn or bake in a kiln. 1, record 7, English, - kiln
Record number: 7, Textual support number: 1 OBS
Kiln: a furnace or oven for drying, burning or baking something as bricks, grain or pottery. 1, record 7, English, - kiln
Record 7, French
Record 7, Domaine(s)
- Étuves et séchoirs (Cond. de l'air et chauffage)
Record 7, Main entry term, French
- sécher au four 1, record 7, French, s%C3%A9cher%20au%20four
Record 7, Abbreviations, French
Record 7, Synonyms, French
- dessécher au four 1, record 7, French, dess%C3%A9cher%20au%20four
Record 7, Textual support, French
Record 7, Spanish
Record 7, Textual support, Spanish
Record 8 - internal organization data 1987-12-07
Record 8, English
Record 8, Subject field(s)
- Glass Manufacturing
- Ornamental Glassware
Record 8, Main entry term, English
- lehr
1, record 8, English, lehr
Record 8, Abbreviations, English
Record 8, Synonyms, English
- lear 1, record 8, English, lear
- leer 2, record 8, English, leer
correct, noun, less frequent
- kiln 3, record 8, English, kiln
see observation, less frequent
Record 8, Textual support, English
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
The annealing oven where glass is gradually cooled. 4, record 8, English, - lehr
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
kiln: A general term used occasionally in context. 5, record 8, English, - lehr
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 2 OBS
Originally part of the furnace, but for the past two centuries or thereabouts a separate furnace has been used to anneal the finished glass. 1, record 8, English, - lehr
Record 8, French
Record 8, Domaine(s)
- Fabrication du verre
- Verrerie d'art
Record 8, Main entry term, French
- arche de recuit
1, record 8, French, arche%20de%20recuit
correct, feminine noun
Record 8, Abbreviations, French
Record 8, Synonyms, French
- carcaise de recuisson 2, record 8, French, carcaise%20de%20recuisson
correct, feminine noun
- galerie de recuisson 2, record 8, French, galerie%20de%20recuisson
correct, feminine noun
- arche à recuire 3, record 8, French, arche%20%C3%A0%20recuire
correct, feminine noun
- arche 3, record 8, French, arche
correct, feminine noun
Record 8, Textual support, French
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 DEF
Four où est réalisé le recuit. 1, record 8, French, - arche%20de%20recuit
Record number: 8, Textual support number: 1 OBS
A l'origine, c'était une partie du four, mais depuis deux siècles environ, c'est un four séparé qu'on emploie seulement pour la recuisson des objets de verre. 2, record 8, French, - arche%20de%20recuit
Record 8, Spanish
Record 8, Textual support, Spanish
Record 9 - internal organization data 1985-04-22
Record 9, English
Record 9, Subject field(s)
- Coal Preparation
Record 9, Main entry term, English
- kiln
1, record 9, English, kiln
correct, noun
Record 9, Abbreviations, English
Record 9, Synonyms, English
Record 9, Textual support, English
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Charcoal, burned in pits or kilns, is less dangerous than that burned in the retorts and ovens, and requires less cooling and airing before shipment. 1, record 9, English, - kiln
Record 9, French
Record 9, Domaine(s)
- Préparation des charbons
Record 9, Main entry term, French
- four ouvert
1, record 9, French, four%20ouvert
correct, masculine noun
Record 9, Abbreviations, French
Record 9, Synonyms, French
Record 9, Textual support, French
Record number: 9, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le charbon de bois, brûlé en fosses ou fours ouverts, est moins dangereux que celui qui est brûlé dans des cornues ou des fours fermés, et nécessite un refroidissement et un aérage moins long avant l'expédition. 1, record 9, French, - four%20ouvert
Record 9, Spanish
Record 9, Textual support, Spanish
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TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
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