The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.
Record 1 - internal organization data 2006-01-25
Record 1, English
Record 1, Subject field(s)
- Electoral Systems and Political Parties
Record 1, Main entry term, English
- poll reporting
1, record 1, English, poll%20reporting
Record 1, Abbreviations, English
Record 1, Synonyms, English
- opinion poll reporting 2, record 1, English, opinion%20poll%20reporting
- election poll reporting 2, record 1, English, election%20poll%20reporting
Record 1, Textual support, English
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
If I were an editor, I would post the following guidelines on poll reporting in my newsroom: 1. Don't use polls to decide what issues to emphasize in election coverage. 2. Don't use polls to ask the public for its expert opinion in matters where it is not expert ... 3, record 1, English, - poll%20reporting
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 CONT
In May of 2000, several important changes to Canada's Election Act took effect. In particular, key provisions concerning the regulation of opinion poll reporting during federal election campaigns became law. 2, record 1, English, - poll%20reporting
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 CONT
This discussion leads us to our conclusion that at least concerning election poll reporting in Canada, business interests clearly have superseded the public interest. 2, record 1, English, - poll%20reporting
Record 1, Key term(s)
- polls reporting
- opinion polls reporting
- election polls reporting
Record 1, French
Record 1, Domaine(s)
- Systèmes électoraux et partis politiques
Record 1, Main entry term, French
- publication des résultats de sondage d'opinion
1, record 1, French, publication%20des%20r%C3%A9sultats%20de%20sondage%20d%27opinion
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Abbreviations, French
Record 1, Synonyms, French
- publication de sondages électoraux 2, record 1, French, publication%20de%20sondages%20%C3%A9lectoraux
correct, feminine noun
- publication de sondages 3, record 1, French, publication%20de%20sondages
correct, feminine noun
Record 1, Textual support, French
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
[...] la loi portant sur les Partis politiques et les élections [a] été amendée de façon à interdire temporairement la publication des résultats de sondage d'opinion en raison de l'impact qu'elle peut exercer à des fins politiques, sur le comportement des électeurs en période de campagnes électorales. 1, record 1, French, - publication%20des%20r%C3%A9sultats%20de%20sondage%20d%27opinion
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 CONT
Dans le cadre de l'élection générale fédérale du lundi 27 novembre 2000 et en vertu de la nouvelle Loi électorale du Canada entrée en vigueur le 1er septembre dernier, de nouvelles règles s'appliquent à la publication de sondages électoraux. 4, record 1, French, - publication%20des%20r%C3%A9sultats%20de%20sondage%20d%27opinion
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 3 CONT
Au cours des audiences sur le projet de loi C-2, des porte-parole de la presse ont comparu devant le comité et je leur ai demandé si le gouvernement les avait contactés pour tenter d'en arriver à un compromis sur la publication de sondages durant une campagne électorale. 3, record 1, French, - publication%20des%20r%C3%A9sultats%20de%20sondage%20d%27opinion
Record 1, Key term(s)
- publication d'un sondage
- publication d'un sondage électoral
- publication d'un sondage d'opinion
- publication de sondages d'opinions
Record 1, Spanish
Record 1, Textual support, Spanish
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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
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