The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2011-08-29


Subject field(s)
  • Clinical Psychology
  • Symbolism and Psychology of Language

An irrational statement that the patient constantly tells himself which serves to establish and maintain illogical thinking, irrational ideas, and emotional disturbance.


Self-talk is intrapersonal communication, the thoughts with which we describe and interpret the world to ourselves. Irrational or untrue self-talk causes stress and mental disorder. Two common forms of irrational self-talk are statements that "awfulize" (catastrophic, nightmarish interpretations of an event or experience) or "absolutize" (words such as should, must, always, etc. that imply the need to live up to a standard). These ideas are based on the rational-emotive therapy of Albert Ellis (1975).


"Talking yourself up" is self-talk that builds up feelings of anger. Talking yourself up moves you from feelings of being hurt or scared to bigger unmanageable feelings of anger or rage.


Stress inoculation training involves three specific stages. The first stage is referred to as the educational phase. During the educational stage, clients also are asked to monitor and record the types of self-statements they generate. In the second phase of training, the acquisition stage, clients are taught a number of cognitive and behavioral coping skills such as relaxation, replacement of negative self-statements with coping self-statements, and self-reinforcement.

Key term(s)
  • self-verbalisation


  • Psychologie clinique
  • Symbolique et psychologie du langage

Discours d'une personne qui se parle à elle-même.


verbalisation (définition psycholinguistique) : partie de la production de parole reposant sur l'utilisation du système des oppositions, phonologiques, syntaxiques et sémantiques, pertinents pour le fonctionnement d'une langue.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Psicología clínica
  • Simbolismo y psicología del lenguaje
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