The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

BALLE COTON [2 records]

Record 1 1999-05-13


Subject field(s)
  • Textile Industries
  • Cotton Industry
  • Textile Packaging

Cotton bales vary much in size and weight.


Cotton bale packaging ... Langston ... has been a key player in developing the standards for cotton bale covering. Half bags and sheets are produced in woven polypropylene and meet full bale packaging specifications. Cotton-Tainers, spiral-sewn bags produced in woven polypropylene or burlap ... .


Moisture Measurement of the Cotton Bale. Measurement of the moisture in cotton bales can be used to control regain to optimise the addition of moisture to the lint. This can ensure that enough moisture is added to the bale to "kill" it and thus not only minimise the power required to press the bale, but also ensure that the bale is not so dry as to cause the bale bands to break - an important cost for the ginning industry ... .


  • Industries du textile
  • Industrie cotonnière
  • Emballages textiles

Balles de coton. Mise en balles: Le coton égrené est comprimé et empaqueté dans une toile de jute cerclée de fer. Ces paquets appelés balles pèsent de 180 à 340 kg suivant le pays producteurs.


Balle. Gros paquet de marchandises généralement enveloppé de toile et lié de cordes. - Sac. Faire, défaire une balle de coton.


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Record 2 1976-06-19


Subject field(s)
  • Farm Equipment


  • Matériel agricole

Man. Auticer. FAO, 1 yr M-2-1 A, 112 F RA


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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