The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Record 1 2004-12-14


Subject field(s)
  • Health Law

Informed refusal, which is the patient's right to refuse treatment, is part of the informed consent process. If a patient refuses treatment, the physician is legally obligated to advise the individual about the risks of not having treatment.


The consent process should be viewed as continuous, from the initial information received by subjects (i.e., recruitment) to the debriefing and feedback given to subjects. Subjects may choose to withdraw at any point in this process.


Effecting a proper consent necessitates completion of the so-called "consent process". The process ... involves far more than acquiring a signature on a consent form. It requires effective communication skills and an on-going, working relationship of trust between the care-giver and the recipient of treatment.


Typically, the process of informed consent involves: information sheets containing an explanation of the purpose of the research, expected duration of participation, and procedure.


The informed-consent process needs to be adapted to different cultures. Information should be communicated in a culturally appropriate manner and in appropriate languages, which means that written materials may need to be translated or adapted.


  • Droit de la santé

Les éléments importants du processus de consentement sont les explications données par le médecin et le dialogue entre le médecin et le patient à propos du traitement qu'on lui propose.


Dans le cadre du processus de consentement éclairé, les participants doivent être informés du potentiel d'une commercialisation future de toute recherche basée sur leur matériel biologique et leur information génétique.


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© Public Services and Procurement Canada, 2024
TERMIUM Plus®, the Government of Canada's terminology and linguistic data bank
A product of the Translation Bureau


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