La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

couche de gravier [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2006-03-01


Subject field(s)
  • Sewers and Drainage

Tree planting ... Make sure the bottom of the hole is above the ground water level and is well drained by surrounding soil. If this does not occur, a gravel pad lifting the roots above water or an auger-bored gravel drain to percolating subsoil may be necessary.


  • Égouts et drainage

Pluriel : des plateformes, des plates-formes.


plateforme (sing.); plateformes (pl.) : Ces graphies, puisées des Rectifications de l'orthographe recommandées par le Conseil supérieur de la langue française, sont attestées dans le Petit Robert (2004).


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Fiche 2 1999-05-04


Subject field(s)
  • Sewers and Drainage
  • Foundation Engineering

Renovation ... an intensive program of deep drilling was initiated to reach the gravel blanket located 18 to 20 inches beneath the surface. As the drills slowly permeated the turf profile, excavated soil was deposited on the surface. Each of the holes was then backfilled with clean sand to establish stable drainage channels between the surface and the gravel blanket. Excess sand and excavated soil were removed and the area brushed clean of all debris. An aggressive program of sand topdressing has augmented the sand blanket initially placed at the surface when sand-based sod was planted immediately following the Rutgers game in late September, 1993. The current system thus includes: 1. a porous sand blanket at the surface; 2. a highly porous gravel blanket located 18 to 20 inches below the surface; 3. multiple porous sand channels connecting the sand and gravel blankets.


  • Égouts et drainage
  • Technique des fondations

Voir la fiche «tapis drainant / drainage blanket».

  • tapis filtrant de gravier


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