La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

tutorat socratique [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2004-08-05


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

A Socratic tutor theoretically need not know all the answers beforehand, but must be able to guide a student's own exploration. The role of guide as opposed to that of provider of information requires a mastery of principles about using and acquiring knowledge rather than a mastery of specific facts. Existing systems that implement Socratic tutoring do not follow such ideal versions of the method, which would require an understanding of reasoning processes and a perception of the student's approach far beyond the capabilities of current student modeling systems. True Socratic tutoring requires the ability to "learn along" with the student, and such powerful learning models are not yet available for nontrivial domains.


Socratic teaching forces students to deal with counterexamples and deal with contradictions. Unlike didactic instruction, in Socratic instruction it is the student who forges the conceptual system. The Socratic teacher is aggressive and adversarial.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Comme le monitorat ou l'assistanat, le tutorat désigne une fonction pédagogique. Voir guidage pédagogique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Inteligencia artificial
  • Educación permanente

Nuestra enseñanza socrática se basa en el método socrático de enseñanza que en su forma pura exige que el profesor plantee siempre preguntas ulteriores, sin dar nunca la solución ni respaldar la respuesta de ningún estudiante en particular. Al estudiante le parece que la mayoría de las buenos argumentos acaban implicando conclusiones muy discutibles e incluso absurdas. Los estudiantes salen de este asalto multilateral desconfiando de la generalización e incluso de la razón misma. Aprenden a ser expertos en argumentación jurídica, pero sin tomarla muy en serio.

Conserver la fiche 1

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