La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2016-03-07


Subject field(s)
  • Mineral Processing (Metallurgy)
  • Chemical Engineering

[A pneumatic flotation machine consisting] of a long trough in the bottom of which is a longitudinal cylindrical rotor, covered with a porous medium, revolving slowly at about 15 revolutions per minute. The rotor is mounted at each end on hollow shafts extending out of the cell at each end through packing glands or through specially designed gland eliminators. Low-pressure air is introduced through the shaft at either end, or, for better control of aeration in various parts of the cell, the rotor may be divided into two sections and air introduced at both ends. The rotor is fitted with two longitudinal angle-iron scraper bars, which prevent settling and accumulation below it and thus protect the mat. The pulp enters at one end and is subjected to thorough aeration in passing through the machine. Froth overflows the sides, and tailings are discharged at the end by means of an adjustable weir overflow.

  • Callow-MacIntosh pneumatic flotation cell
  • Callow-MacIntosh pneumatic floatation machine


  • Minéralurgie (Métallurgie)
  • Génie chimique

Machines de flottation pneumatiques. Ces machines utilisent de l'air comprimé à la fois pour l'aération et pour l'agitation. [...] La cellule Callow-MacIntosh [...] comporte un rotor creux en acier perforé [...]. Ce rotor est entouré de toile ou de caoutchouc perforé. Elle présente l'avantage de se colmater difficilement [...]


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