La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2001-04-01


Subject field(s)
  • Space Centres

The Handgrip Dynamometer (HGD) is a hand held device capable of measuring instantaneous hand strength as a function of time for periods of up to 300 seconds...The Pinch Force Dynamometer (PFD) is a hand held device capable of measuring instantaneous strength of the thumb and opposing finger or groupings of fingers as a function of time for periods of up to 300 sec. length.


The principle components of the HGD are a transducer capable of measuring the handgrip force, instrumentation amplifier, and associated cables. Dynamic voltage representing instantaneous hand strength is taken from the output of the instrumentation amplifier and sent to a laptop computer or to a data acquisition system for data manipulation, display, correlation with other data sources, and/or storage... The principle components of the PFD are a pinch force transducer, instrumentation amplifier, and associated cables. Dynamic voltage representing instantaneous finger(s) pinch strength as a function of time will be taken from the output of the instrumentation amplifier and sent to a laptop computer or to a data acquisition system for data manipulation, display, correlation with other data sources, and/or storage.

  • Hand grip dynanometer/Pinch force dynanometer


  • Centres spatiaux


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