La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2024-04-17


Subject field(s)
  • Towels and Cloths

Cooling towels are usually made of a hydrophilic material that absorbs water and then releases it as the towel dries. This process creates an evaporative cooling effect that cools the skin, which helps lower the body temperature.


  • Serviettes et torchons

[…] une serviette rafraîchissante est un linge conçu pour apporter de la fraîcheur à l'utilisateur. On la retrouve sous plusieurs formats, mais sa caractéristique principale reste l'humidité qu'elle transfère à la peau.


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Fiche 2 2023-05-25


Subject field(s)
  • Pharmacology

The peak effect [of a dose of drug] occurs when the receptors are maximally activated. This effect is largely determined by the rates of movement of the drug to the SOA [site of action] and removal of drug from the SOA.


Morphine is the prototypical opioid agonist and remains the gold standard to which other opioids are compared. However, morphine has several features that may render it less than ideal... Morphine is relatively hydrophilic, causing a notoriously delayed peak effect(~15-20 minutes) even when given intravenously.... The phenylpiperidine opioid subclass, fentanyl, and its congeners... have pharmacokinetic profiles that may be more ideal for shorter surgical procedures... All of these opioids are more potent than morphine and are quite lipophilic with very rapid onset approximating 30 to 60 minutes and peak effects within 5 minutes.


  • Pharmacologie

La morphine, qui est un hydrophile, met plus de temps à atteindre son effet maximal que le fentanyl, qui est un opioïde lipophile.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Farmacología
Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2023-05-12


Subject field(s)
  • Chemistry
  • Biochemistry

The hydrophilic effect. As the name suggests, a hydrophilic molecule(or an object) likes water molecules and interacts with them strongly and directly. The interactions are mainly electrostatic in nature as the hydrophilic objects are polar/charged and water molecules can easily form HBs [hydrogen bonds] with such species.


  • Chimie
  • Biochimie


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Química
  • Bioquímica
Conserver la fiche 3

Fiche 4 2012-05-16


Subject field(s)
  • Biochemistry

Hydrophobic, hydrophilic, and electrostatic interactions between the carrier and the substrate and/or effectors often produce an unequal distribution of these species between the micro-and macroenvironment. This is called the partition effect... The most obvious example here would be the case of an enzyme, acting on an cationic substrate, immobilized by attachment to a polyanion(i. e. a negatively charged polymer). The positive substrate would be concentrated around the negative polymer and thus, although the average concentration of the substrate in the system might be low, around the enzyme it will be relatively high.


  • Biochimie

Le faible volume de distribution est sans doute imputable à la forte liaison du naproxen aux protéines plasmatiques et à l'effet de cloisonnement selon le pH qui, ensemble, confinent fortement le médicament au compartiment plasmatique.


Conserver la fiche 4

Fiche 5 2003-09-03


Subject field(s)
  • Glazing Materials (Constr.)

Self-cleaning glazing system.... Pilkington Activ [Trade Name] glass uses the sun's UV rays to gradually and continuously break down and dissolve organic dirt through what's called a photocatalytic effect. Once activated, the photocatalytic process will continue to work at night and even on cloudy days. It also goes through a process called a hydrophilic effect that reduces the surface tension of water to cause it to clean the surface and wash away dirt to leave windows clean.

  • self cleaning glazing


  • Matériaux verriers (Construction)

Vitrage qui reçoit un traitement (Activ ou Bioclean) sur la face extérieure le rendant autonettoyant.


C'est en collaboration avec le verrier britannique Pilkington que Tryba a mis au point cette fenêtre baptisée Trybaclean. Elle est dotée du vitrage autonettoyant «Activ» [...] Techniquement, l'un des verres du double-vitrage de Trybaclean incorpore sur sa face extérieure un revêtement spécial. L'exposition aux UV, de jour comme de nuit, déclenche une réaction chimique en deux temps qui permet ensuite aux eaux de pluie d'évacuer les saletés. Le revêtement spécial déposé sur le verre n'opère quasiment aucun changement sur l'aspect général du vitrage.


Conserver la fiche 5

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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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