La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 - données d’organisme externe 2022-06-09


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment - Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP)

IC: in charge.


EDPS: Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section.

  • IC, EDPS and Watch
  • In Charge, EDPS/Watch
  • In Charge, EDPS and Watch
  • IC, Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • IC, Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • IC, Executive and Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • IC, Executive and Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • IC, Executives/Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • IC, Executives/Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • IC, Executives and Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • IC, Executives and Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • In Charge, Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • In Charge, Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • In Charge, Executive and Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • In Charge, Executive and Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • In Charge, Executives/Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • In Charge, Executives/Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • In Charge, Executives and Diplomatic Protection Section/Watch
  • In Charge, Executives and Diplomatic Protection Section and Watch
  • EDPS IC/Watch IC
  • EDPS IC and Watch IC
  • Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section In Charge/Watch In Charge
  • Executive/Diplomatic Protection Section In Charge and Watch In Charge
  • Executives/Diplomatic Protection Section In Charge/Watch In Charge
  • Executives and Diplomatic Protection Section In Charge and Watch In Charge


  • Tiroir - Gendarmerie royale du Canada (GRC)

resp. : responsable.


SPPCAD : Section de la protection des personnalités canadiennes et des agents diplomatiques.

  • responsable, SPPCAD et Veille
  • resp., Section de la protection des personnalités canadiennes et des agents diplomatiques et Veille
  • responsable, Section de la protection des personnalités canadiennes et des agents diplomatiques et Veille


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