La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1992-06-21


Subject field(s)
  • Radio Waves

Inside the radio-wave lamp. An electronic oscillator linked to a small, coiled antenna produces radio waves much like a radio station. Electrons in atoms of mercury vapor absorb the radio waves, which excite the electrons to a higher "energy state". The electrons emit photons, or packets, of invisible ultraviolet light. A phosphor coating on the inside of the bulb absorbs the ultraviolet light, exciting electrons, which then emit visible light.


Last week a small California company announced that next year, it plans to market the "E-(for electronic)Lamp," a bulb that will be completely interchangeable with incandescents, use a quarter as much energy - and last a decade or more. The secret is a tiny radio-frequency generator in each bulb, transmitting energy to a surrounding cloud of mercury gas and in turn to the fluorescent coating. There are some 1.5 billion light sockets in the United States; each incandescent that is replaced by an E-Lamp would save an estimated ton of carbon dioxide from electrical generating stations over the life of the bulb, a small step toward reducing emissions of greenhouse gases.


Since the electronic components last indefinitely, the bulb should fail only when the phosphor deteriorates (or someone knocks the lamp off the table). And instead of burning out with a "pop," the new bulbs will gradually become less bright. Someday lamps and fixtures may have the electronic components built into their base, and consumers will just slip on a cheap, replaceable glass jacket containing the mercury and phosphor.


  • Ondes radioélectriques

Ampoule radio-électrique. Voir crayon électronique.


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