La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2023-06-01


Subject field(s)
  • Pharmacology

As the name suggests, a multiple-compartment PK [pharmacokinetic] model consists of a central compartment and one or several peripheral compartments, though the compartments do not represent specific anatomical or physiological structures. In general, the central compartment represents plasma (or blood) with or without richly perfused tissues, such as heart, liver, brain, etc., ... and the peripheral compartments represent slowly or less perfused tissues, such as skin, muscle, bone and fat. ... In a two-compartment model ... upon administration, a substance is introduced into the central compartment that is followed by its distribution between the central and a peripheral compartment; however, equilibration of the concentration of the substance between the two compartments is not anticipated to be achieved instantaneously. Once equilibration is reached, the elimination of the substance is assumed to occur from the central compartment.

  • two compartment pharmacokinetic model
  • two compartment PK model
  • two compartment model
  • 2-compartment pharmacokinetic model
  • 2 compartment pharmacokinetic model
  • 2-compartment PK model
  • 2 compartment PK model
  • 2-compartment model
  • 2 compartment model


  • Pharmacologie
  • modèle pharma-cocinétique à deux compartiments
  • modèle pharmacocinétique à 2 compartiments
  • modèle pharmaco-cinétique à 2 compartiments
  • modèle à 2 compartiments


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Farmacología
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