La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

ACTION MAINS [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2005-12-15


Subject field(s)
  • Horse Racing and Equestrian Sports
  • Horse Husbandry

One of the natural aids for riding or driving a horse.


Any restraining action of the hands, or a combination of hands and back (by arching the back, which has a collecting effect on the horse, so as to avoid opposing hand and seat, the seat "pushing" and the hand "pulling") should not be plain and last too long, lest [this action] induce a fight with the horse. Even a very well schooled horse will enjoy a softly and rhythmically pulsated action of the hand.


The natural aids include the voice, the action of the hands on the reins, the use of the legs and heels, the use of the back, and the distribution of the rider's weight.


Competitive horseback riding term.


  • Courses hippiques et sports équestres
  • Élevage des chevaux

Une des aides naturelles pour solliciter un cheval.


Terme d'équitation.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Carreras de caballos y deportes ecuestres
  • Cría de ganado caballar
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