La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

BABICHE [2 fiches]

Fiche 1 2014-01-16


Subject field(s)
  • Types of Skins and Hides (Leather Ind.)
  • Indigenous Arts and Culture

A thong or thread, made from rawhide, sinew, or gut.


The term "babiche" is borrowed from the French and Aboriginal vocabularies not only to retain the historic and cultural flavor of the original text, but because there is no exact equivalent in cases where "babiche" refers to a strip that is not of animal hide, but rather of animal sinew or tendon. Moreover, one would not use the term "thin straps" (in the plural) when referring to snowshoes, because a "strap" is usually not used meshed with other straps, rather it is used to prevent something from moving, as in a strap and buckle of a sandal.


  • Sortes de peaux (Ind. du cuir)
  • Arts et culture autochtones

Lanière de cuir, de peau d'anguille, de tendon, de boyau, etc., servant en particulier dans les raquettes à neige.


Les raquettes représentaient aussi un moyen de transport important. Il était possible de les confectionner très rapidement. On faisait d'abord l'armature en dégrossissant un morceau de bouleau à la hache et au couteau croche. Cette armature, en forme d'ogive, servait de cadre à un tapis de «babiche» d'orignal ou de caribou.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Tipos de pieles y cueros (Ind. del cuero)
  • Artes y cultura indígenas
Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2012-07-11


Subject field(s)
  • Indigenous Arts and Culture
  • Types of Skins and Hides (Leather Ind.)

A tough cord, thread or band of dense white fibrous connective animal tissue that unites a muscle with some other part.


Although a specific term in relationship to the French equivalent "babiche", the term "thong" is actually a generic term within the English language that denotes any strip of leather or hide, whether used for the hair or used in the making of snowshoes. When referring to the finished product or to all the strips used in the making of a snowshoe, the term "webbing" (short for "webbing of thongs") may be used. Other related terms: strap (normally thicker and sturdier than thong). In some cases the term "babiche" is borrowed from the French and Aboriginal vocabularies not only to retain the historic and cultural flavor of the original text, but because there is no exact equivalent in cases where "babiche" refers to a strip that is not of animal hide, but rather of animal sinew or tendon. Moreover, one would not use the term "thin straps" (in the plural) when referring to snowshoes, because a "strap" is usually not used meshed with other straps, rather it is used to prevent something from moving, as in a strap and buckle of a sandal.

  • babiche


  • Arts et culture autochtones
  • Sortes de peaux (Ind. du cuir)

Lanière de cuir, de peau d'anguille, de tendon, de boyau, etc., servant en particulier dans les raquettes à neige.


Les raquettes représentaient aussi un moyen de transport important. Il était possible de les confectionner très rapidement. On faisait d'abord l'armature en dégrossissant un morceau de bouleau à la hache et au couteau croche. Cette armature, en forme d'ogive, servait de cadre à un tapis de «babiche» d'orignal ou de caribou.


Conserver la fiche 2

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