La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2015-12-01


Subject field(s)
  • Equipment (Oil and Natural Gas Extraction)

Once a well has been safely drilled, pressure can be measured by several methods. A pressure bomb, in which pressure is recorded against time, can be lowered into the hole.


  • Outillage (Extraction du pétrole et du gaz)

Appareil enregistreur de pression qu'on descend au fond d'un puits d'hydrocarbures.


Il est équipé d'un dispositif d'enregistrement continu de pression.


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2002-11-20


Subject field(s)
  • Scientific Instruments
  • Plant Biology
  • Scientific Research Equipment

Instrument ... used to measure water potential of plant leaves.


Simply put, the pressure chamber ... is just a device for applying air pressure to a leaf (or small shoot), where most of the leaf is inside the chamber but a small part of the leaf stem (the petiole) is exposed to the outside of the chamber through a seal. The amount of pressure that it takes to cause water to appear at the petiole tells you how much tension the leaf is experiencing on its water: a high value of pressure means a high value of tension and a high degree of water stress. The units of pressure most commonly used are the Bar (1 Bar = 14.5 pounds per square inch) and the megapascal (1 MPa = 10 bars).


How is water potential measured? ... - Pressure bomb (pressure chamber): measures [psi subscript w] of whole leaves, stems : - when a stem or leaf is cut off of a plant, the sap is sucked back into the xylem, since it is under tension; - the tissue is sealed inside a steel chamber, with the cut end protruding; - pressure is applied (using compressed nitrogen) until the sap is pushed back up to the top; this amount of pressure is equal but opposite to the [Psi subscript w] of the tissue.


There are different types of pressure chambers, some using a tank of high pressure gas, some using a hand-pump, but all work on the same basic principle and in most cases the operation and use of the different types of pressure chambers is identical.


  • Instruments scientifiques
  • Biologie végétale
  • Matériel et équipement (Recherche scientifique)

[Instrument de] mesure de l'état hydrique [...]


Conserver la fiche 2

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