La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1996-11-21


Subject field(s)
  • Chemical Engineering

Most poisons are strongly sorbed and react quantitatively with active sites to form stable inactive surface compounds, eg, acidic catalysts are poisoned by basic nitrogen and alkali-metal ions, metal catalysts by sulfides, arsenic and lead compounds.


  • Génie chimique


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Fiche 2 1996-11-21


Subject field(s)
  • Chemical Engineering

The action of the metallic catalyst has for many years been related to the geometric spacing and arrangement of the metal atoms with respect to the molecules of the reactants. Thus, for example, Beeck found that a plot of the spacing of the atoms of pure metal films against the activity of these films for the hydrogenation of ethylene yielded a curve with a maximum corresponding to activities larger by several orders of magnitude than the activity of some metals lower on the curve. Thus, a thin film of rhodium was, per unit area at a given temperature, about 1000 times as active as a thin film of nickel.


  • Génie chimique


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