La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.
Fiche 1 - données d’organisme interne 2002-10-16
Fiche 1, Anglais
Fiche 1, Subject field(s)
- Trade
- Environmental Economics
- Economic and Industrial Sociology
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Anglais
- ethical consumption
1, fiche 1, Anglais, ethical%20consumption
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Anglais
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Anglais
- socially and ecologically responsible consumption 2, fiche 1, Anglais, socially%20and%20ecologically%20responsible%20consumption
- socially responsible consumption 3, fiche 1, Anglais, socially%20responsible%20consumption
- responsible consumption 4, fiche 1, Anglais, responsible%20consumption
Fiche 1, Justifications, Anglais
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Ethical consumption, also known as socially responsible consumption, is a trend where consumers ask questions about the company that produced the goods -- choosing to patronize the companies which have "positive" profiles and avoiding those with "negative" profiles. 3, fiche 1, Anglais, - ethical%20consumption
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 OBS
The very name of "ethical consumption" is still an open issue, and varies from ethical consumption to consumption in solidarity, responsible consumption, and fair consumption. ... The idea of "ethical consumption" should initially be based on a definition of ethics. For those who understand the concept of Ethics as the definition of criteria to identify Good and Evil, it is important for the concept of Ethical Consumption to include another idea of consumption that is not based on individualism. The word that best defines this relationship with the rest of the world is "solidarity." It qualifies it and defines the importance of others in the ethical values on which consumption is based. In this case we are talking about "ethical consumption in solidarity." There is also a simplified version called "consumption in solidarity", which appears in the literature referring to consumption that not only considers our personal welfare but also considers general welfare. This is a consumption in which production is completed, generating an impact on the ecosystem and society in general. Under this idea, the choice of type of consumption can benefit or hinder the creation or maintenance of the productive jobs in a specific society, the preservation of ecosystems and the promotion of the general welfare of communities, countries and the entire planet. "Responsible consumption" (an expression used in Europe, particularly in France), appears where there is an awareness of the power of consumers, which become economic units with an important role to play, just as important as businesses and market regulatory boards. It implies an idea of economy that wishes to provide answers to citizens who belong to an economic and political world that considers man as a mere consumer. In this respect, consuming in a different way represents paying attention to what the money that we give to buy goods and services is financing, thus bringing economic pressure to bear from below that compensates 4, fiche 1, Anglais, - ethical%20consumption
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 2 CONT
The CSI [Clark Sustainability Initiative] shall be approached as a process of continuous learning and innovation open to all members of the university community. The concepts and means of measuring "sustainability" and "socially and ecologically responsible consumption practices" shall be subject to regular reassessment and reconsideration in light of new experiences and understandings. 2, fiche 1, Anglais, - ethical%20consumption
Fiche 1, Français
Fiche 1, Domaine(s)
- Commerce
- Économie environnementale
- Sociologie économique et industrielle
Fiche 1, La vedette principale, Français
- consommation responsable
1, fiche 1, Français, consommation%20responsable
correct, nom féminin
Fiche 1, Les abréviations, Français
Fiche 1, Les synonymes, Français
- consommation éthique 2, fiche 1, Français, consommation%20%C3%A9thique
nom féminin
Fiche 1, Justifications, Français
Record number: 1, Textual support number: 1 CONT
Le mode de consommation durable est fondé sur des modes de production et de consommation pouvant durer sans dégrader l'environnement humain ou naturel. C'est favoriser la consommation responsable, par le choix de produits sains, favorables à l'environnement et produits dans des conditions sociales respectueuses des droits de l'homme. 3, fiche 1, Français, - consommation%20responsable
Fiche 1, Espagnol
Fiche 1, Justifications, Espagnol
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