La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1997-03-25


Subject field(s)
  • Typesetting and Imagesetting
  • Electronic Publishing

A function of certain word processing programs that allows the user to add or to delete space between a particular pair of characters based on the final appearance of the text once track kerning is finished.


JustText also supports track and manual kerning. Track kerning, which controls the amount of space between all letters in a block of text, can radically alter the readability of a block of text. While the decisions made by the original typographer are probably the right ones, particular users may want to add space for their own purposes. JustText also offers a manual kerning facility that allows the user to take out space between a particular pair of letters based on the final appearance of the work.


  • Composition (Imprimerie)
  • Éditique

En photocomposition, le crénage peut être effectué manuellement ou automatiquement.


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