La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1985-08-20


Subject field(s)
  • Law of Contracts (common law)
  • Commercial Law

Under a business-format franchise, the franchisee undertakes to run the outlet in strict accordance to definitions of product line, methods of production, purchasing rules, management procedure, advertising, physical appearance and location of the business-in short every aspect of it-as laid down by the franchisor.


... the following basic features ... must be present in every "business format" franchise: 1. There must be a contract containing all the terms agreed upon. 2. The franchisor must initiate and train the franchisee in all aspects of the business prior to the opening of the business and assist in the opening. 3. After the business is opened the franchisor must maintain a continuing interest in providing the franchisee with support in all aspects of the operation of the business. 4. The franchisee is permitted under the control of the franchisor to operate under a trade name, format and/or procedure, and with the benefit of goodwill owned by the franchisor. 5. The franchisee must make a substantial capital investment from his own resources. 6. The franchisee must own his business. 7. The franchisee will pay the franchisor for the rights which he acquires in one way or other and for the continuing services with which he will be provided. 8. The franchisee will be given some territory within which to operate.


  • Droit des contrats (common law)
  • Droit commercial

La franchise de reproduction ou de duplication. Les Américains l'appellent "package franchise" ou "business format franchise", dans laquelle les franchisés reproduisent le plus fidèlement possible l'activité exercée par le franchiseur dans son unité pilote. Ce sont essentiellement les franchises de prestations de service ou les franchises industrielles ou les franchises dans lesquelles le franchiseur n'a pas de centrale d'achat, mais référence des produits.


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