La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2015-05-12


Subject field(s)
  • Legal System

This same approach should be applied to the question of reading in since extension by way of reading in is closely akin to the practice of severance. The difference is the manner in which the extent of the inconsistency is defined. In the usual case of severance the inconsistency is defined as something improperly included in the statute which can be severed and struck down. In the case of reading in the inconsistency is defined as what the statute wrongly excludes rather than what it wrongly includes. Where the inconsistency is defined as what the statute excludes, the logical result of declaring inoperative that inconsistency may be to include the excluded group within the statutory scheme. This has the effect of extending the reach of the statute by way of reading in rather than reading down.


  • Théorie du droit


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Fiche 2 2004-08-23


Subject field(s)
  • Laws and Legal Documents


  • Lois et documents juridiques

Méthode d'interprétation en vertu de laquelle on donne à un texte un sens large afin de favoriser l'accomplissement du but apparemment poursuivi par son auteur.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Leyes y documentos jurídicos
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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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