La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2022-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Commercial Fishing
  • Ecosystems

The catching of fish or shellfish that are found on or close to the seabed, using any gear type likely to come in contact with the seafloor or benthic organisms during the normal course of operations.


Since gear impacts are affected by such factors such as the type of benthic communities over which they are fished, restricting bottom fishing from specific areas would reduce impact on particularly sensitive areas. ... the policy for managing the impacts of fishing on sensitive benthic areas ... can be used to protect ocean-floor habitat.


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Pêche commerciale
  • Écosystèmes

Étant donné que l'incidence des engins dépend de facteurs comme le type de communauté benthique qui fait l'objet de la pêche, la restriction de la pêche de fond dans certaines zones réduirait l'incidence sur les zones particulièrement sensibles. [...] la politique de gestion des impacts de la pêche sur les zones benthiques vulnérables peut être utilisée pour protéger l'habitat du plancher océanique.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Colaboración con la FAO
  • Pesca comercial
  • Ecosistemas
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Fiche 2 2022-10-28


Subject field(s)
  • Collaboration with the FAO
  • Commercial Fishing

Demersal fisheries use a wide variety of fishing methods to catch fish and shellfish on or close to the sea bed. Demersal fisheries are defined by the type of fishing activity, the gear used and the varieties of fish and shellfish [that] are caught. Catches from demersal fisheries make up a large proportion of the marine harvest used for human consumption and are the most valuable component of fisheries on continental shelves throughout the world.


bottom fishery; demersal fishery; ground fishery: designations usually used in the plural.

  • bottom fisheries
  • ground fisheries
  • demersal fisheries
  • groundfishery
  • groundfisheries


  • Collaboration avec la FAO
  • Pêche commerciale


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TERMIUM Plus®, la banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada
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