La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1992-03-31


Subject field(s)
  • Corporate Structure

either power structure based on the technical managers who have graduated from the polytechnics, or power structure based on technocrats of diverse origine.


As always it's the poor and the working class who suffer the brunt of the patronizing attitude and the limitations on their freedom of choice. The rich will always be free. There was a time when working people listened and deferred to the middle-class teachers and preachers. They have now thrown off those shackles. They won't allow them to be replaced by the new polytechnocracy, whatever its politics. (Source: The Times (London), 26 Sept. 1987, p. 8).


blend from poly(technic) + technocracy. Creation facilitated by the common element "Tech".


  • Structures de l'entreprise


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