La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1997-06-03


Subject field(s)
  • Plastic Materials

Polyaryl sulfone offers the unique combination of thermoplasticity and retention of structurally useful properties at 500°. This material is supplied in both pellet and powder form. Its thermoplastic nature allows it to be fabricated by injection molding or extrusion techniques on standard commercially available equipment. Polyaryl sulfone consists mainly of phenyl and biphenyl groups linked by thermally stable ether and sulfone groups. It is distinguished from polysulfone polymers by the absence of aliphatic groups, which are liable to oxidative attack. This aromatic structure gives it excellent resistance to oxidative degradation and accounts for its retention of mechanical properties at high temperatures.


Polyaryl sulfone. A strong, hard, stiff plastic which can be used from -400 to +500°F, this polymer is used mostly in aerospace applications. ... This plastic is often used to upgrade other plastic applications with respect to temperature and to replace metals and ceramics in valve bodies, hydraulic seals, and bearings.


Poly(aryl sulfone) was introduced in 1983 and is available from Amoco Performance Products under the trade names Radel A-100, A-200, and A-300. It is suitable for high technology applications, including such electrical/electronic parts as printed-circuit boards, snap-fit connectors, and lamp housings.


  • Matières plastiques


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