La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2007-08-17


Subject field(s)
  • Oil Drilling

Condition for working coiled tubing through a pressurized stripper, where wellbore pressure applied against the cross-sectional area of the tube creates an upward acting force greater than the weight of the tubing in the wellbore.


Snubbing usually requires an array of wireline blocks and wire rope that forces the pipe or tools into the well through a stripper head or blowout preventer until the weight of the string is sufficient to overcome the lifting effect of the well pressure on the pipe in the stripper.


snubbing: A term used to describe the process of removing or installing pipe into a pressurized well bore, using specialized equipment including blowout preventers in a special arrangement.


In this condition, mechanical assistance is required to apply thrust to the tubing while injecting or to maintain control of the tubing when extracting. This condition is commonly called "light pipe operations."


pressure control: commonly referred to as snubbing; running of tool and/or pulling of tubing under well pressure.


  • Forage des puits de pétrole

Technique d'intervention sur un puits non neutralisé par introduction d'éléments tubulaires sous pression.


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