La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

ROULEAU NEIGE [3 fiches]

Fiche 1 - données d’organisme externe 2021-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Compartment – Nomenclature 4.0
  • Museums and Heritage (General)

snow roller: an item in the "Land Transportation Tools and Equipment" class of the "Distribution and Transportation Objects" category.


  • Tiroir – Nomenclature 4.0
  • Muséologie et patrimoine (Généralités)

rouleau à neige : objet de la classe «Outils et équipement de transport terrestre» de la catégorie «Objets de manutention et de transport».


Conserver la fiche 1

Fiche 2 2007-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena

The product of moist, cohesive snow that when initiated by wind rolls across the landscape, gathering snow until it can no longer move.


A snow roller is a rare meteorological phenomenon in which large snowballs are formed naturally as chunks of snow are blown along the ground by wind, picking up material along the way, in much the same way that the large snowballs used in snowmen are made. Unlike snowballs made by people, snow rollers are typically cylindrical in shape, and are often hollow since the inner layers, which are the first layers to form, are weak and thin compared to the outer layers and can easily be blown away, leaving what looks like a doughnut or jelly roll. Snow rollers have been seen to grow as large as two feet in diameter. ... snow rollers are more common in hilly areas. However, [they are] a very rare phenomenon.


It is shaped like a rolled sleeping bag, some reaching four feet across and seven feet in diameter.


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques

Masse cylindrique de neige qui se forme le plus souvent en régions montagneuses lorsque de la neige mouillée, emportée par le vent, se met à rouler sur la surface.


Les rouleaux de neige se forment lorsque la neige, étant assez humide pour être cohésive, peut être charriée par le vent et rouler le long des pentes. Ils peuvent avoir plusieurs centimètres de longueur et de diamètre.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Fenómenos meteorológicos, climáticos y atmosféricos

Masa cilíndrica de nieve que se forma más a menudo en las regiones montañosas, cuando la nieve mojada, empujada por el viento, rueda sobre la superficie.

Conserver la fiche 2

Fiche 3 2007-10-10


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric, Climatic and Meteorological Phenomena

There are numerous pinwheels rolling down that slope. [Example approved by the Avalanche Bulletin Terminology Standardization Committee.]


A pinwheel starts its life as a snowball, which begins to roll downhill and gains mass. It only takes away the surface layers of the snow and generally indicates warming of the snow surface. As it rolls down the hill and snow surface, it takes on a "swirled" kind of appearance. Pinwheels generally don't get much bigger than a meter or so. Before the size becomes too big, they come apart. They are not generally a hazard themselves, but more of an indication of warming on the snow surface. Common in the afternoon on sun exposed aspects. [Reference: Grant Statham, Avalanche Specialist, Parks Canada.]


Pinwheel and snowball are not the same. A pinwheel is a piece of snow that rolls down the slope in a certain way (spinning). Normally this happens when the sun warms a slope and pinwheeling is an indication that the snow is warming. [Reference: Grant Statham, Avalanche Specialist, Parks Canada.]


pinwheel; cinnamon roll: terms officially approved by the Avalanche Bulletin Terminology Standardization Committee.


  • Phénomènes météorologiques, climatiques et atmosphériques

Plusieurs boules de neige dévalent cette pente. [Exemple entériné par le Comité d'uniformisation de la terminologie des bulletins d'avalanche.]


Le terme rouleau de neige est peu utilisé dans le contexte des avalanches.


boule de neige; rouleau de neige : termes uniformisés par le Comité d'uniformisation de la terminologie des bulletins d'avalanche.


Conserver la fiche 3

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