La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-08-10


Subject field(s)
  • Medical Imaging

Pressure-tuning infrared spectroscopy for biomedical and cancer research ... Pressure-tuning vibrational spectroscopy is a powerful tool for the study of structural and dynamic properties at the molecular level. The evaluation of changes in molecular structure associated with cell anomalies in biological tissues and cells became possible because of the development of pressure-tuning infrared spectroscopic techniques in our laboratory to obtain high quality infrared spectra of intact biological tissues and whole cells as a function of pressure. This development allowed us to investigate the molecular bases of a wide range of biological and biomedical problems. In this paper some causes of cell anomalies at the molecular level in human cancers are presented.


Cancer detection. Molecular spectroscopists at NRC [National Research Council of Canada] ... developed a novel technique for early cancer detection [called] "pressure-tuning infrared spectroscopic methodology." This technique systematically detects cell anomalies in cancer tissues in a complete scientific way without relying on empiric visual examination.


  • Imagerie médicale

Équivalent fourni par le Conseil national de recherches du Canada à Ottawa (Ontario, Canada).


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