La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2004-04-23


Subject field(s)
  • Anti-pollution Measures
  • Spacecraft

ISTOP stands for Integrated Satellite Tracking of Polluters, and employs daily satellite photos in which oil slicks can be identified. These can then be confirmed by over-flights of the area, and then samples can be taken. Vessel images in photos can be correlated with vessel transits based on AIS data. RADARSAT 2, which will be operable in 2005, will be able to define the shapes of vessels. As developed for Eastern Canada, the program involves coordination of existing activities by such federal agencies as the Canadian Coast Guard, Transport Canada, Environment Canada, and Defense. If the radar operator reports an image on the daily scan that looks like oil, then over-flights can be mobilized within an hour. This program is also used in Sweden and Denmark.


It is estimated that 60 to 100K birds are killed annually by oil illegal discharges at sea.. Radarsat technology will be used to reduce chronic oil pollution impact on seabirds. This collaborative effort will invole federal departments and private industry ...


  • Mesures antipollution
  • Engins spatiaux


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