La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1994-05-27


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

Hartley and Sleeman's prestructured systems correspond to Carbonell's frame-oriented ones. But between traditional CAl and ITS, they see the intermediate type of generative systems which are programmed to generate tasks by piercing problems together in a simple way.


The potential advantages of generative systems are : (a) They provide an unlimited resource of teaching material; (b) the store occupied by teaching material is reduced; (c) they can provide as many problems as the student needs to achieve some level of competence....


Generative systems are oriented towards providing a drill rather than a tutorial, and therefore do not compete with ... the bulk of branching programs.


SCHOLAR is a generative system, in that it constructs questions and responses from the information it has stored and does not have them pre-specified....


TRIP ... is, to some extent, a generative system in that new problems can be created by editing the template for trainwreck (and other) problems - the new problem would inherit the properties of all collision problems.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Comparer à tutoriel génératif.


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