La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1989-05-03


Subject field(s)
  • Accounting
  • Telecommunications

Telecommunications charges are always levied on the originator of a call and therefore the direction of flow is relevant to revenue flows though the tendency is generally towards equilibrium. The normal method of settlement is on the "parcours" system which is a series of bilateral agreements between each administration and each of the others ... Accounting is monthly and settlement quarterly ... [Sue Blacker, Cable and Wireless - Research, Scrimgeour, Kemp-Gee and Co.].


Term and context from the INVESTEXT bibliographic data base.


According to Teleglobe Canada, this term was used in the 1970s with respect to Commonwealth Telecommunications, but is seldom used today. It is a system whereby the revenue from telecommunications via submarine cable is based on distance and on the proportion owned. For example, if a country owns 50% of the transmission facilities, its receives 50% of the revenue.


  • Comptabilité
  • Télécommunications

Terme fourni par les Services linguistiques, Teleglobe Canada (Montréal).


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