La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2006-03-18


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric Physics

An area of low pressure caused by very warm, dry air.


Heat lows or thermal troughs often build north along the coasts of California and Oregon in the summer. Thermal troughs can cause "east winds" in the Washington and Oregon Cascades. If however, a relatively strong disturbance in the upper atmosphere moves across the NW, it will force the thermal trough east of the Cascades. In most cases, a moderate to strong push of marine air will follow, along with strong, gusty, west winds along the east slopes of the Cascades. Gusty winds and thunderstorms can be associated with the passage of a thermal trough.


A front may have troughing along its length, but not all troughs are frontal! Indeed, not all troughs have 'weather' associated with them in the cloud/rainfall sense. Lee troughs found downwind of a major range of hills/mountains are often cloudless, and thermal troughs forming over land during the day due to mesoscale heating may only be found by careful drawing of isobars: if the air is dry and/or stable, little significant cloud will be associated with this feature.


trough: A feature on a weather map where mean sea level pressure (or upper contour heights) are lower than surrounding areas of the atmosphere, with a 'V' shape to the isobars/contours evident in the pattern. Often associated with unsettled/cloudy weather, but not always.


  • Physique de l'atmosphère

thalweg (s'écrit aussi talweg) - trough : Axe de basses pressions prolongeant une dépression. Les isobares sont en forme de V. Son passage est marqué par une brusque rotation du vent (grain).


talweg : Cette graphie, puisée des Rectifications de l'orthographe recommandées par le Conseil supérieur de la langue française, est attestée dans le Petit Robert (2004).


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