La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-10-16


Subject field(s)
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Graphics

The movement of the type of nonlinear iteration found in so many systems can be visualized in terms of a baker kneading dough to make bread. With his fists the baker stretches out the dough and folds it over on itself, repeating this stretching and folding over again and again. In fact, mathematicians call what happens to a nonlinear equation when it is iterated "the baker transformation." This transformation has the effect of moving neighboring points in the dough away from each other. A series of elastic threads placed in the dough would eventually become stretched and folded into a very complicated, unpredictable (and hence chaotic) pattern. Mathematically, this process of stretching and folding takes the form of a strange attractor.


See solenoid.


  • Mathématiques
  • Infographie

Courbe fractale décrite par le mouvement erratique d'une particule en suspension dans un fluide.


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