La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1995-05-04


Subject field(s)
  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Continuing Education

A specialized kind of intelligent programming assistant is a programming tutor. In this application, the assistant helps a novice programmer to learn programming rather than helping a expert programmer to construct programs. An interesting aspect of this application is that ... the assistant is expected to know much more about programming than the user. ... A key function of a programming tutor is to examine a program written by a student programmer, find any errors in it, and then explain the errors to the student in a way that will help the student learn.


With its curriculum information network, BIP uses a representational scheme that is more in the AI tradition. However, BIP's curriculum is an organization of topics, not an operational model of expertise. This limits BIP's diagnostic capabilities and its usefulness as an active programming tutor.


Programming Tutors ... The PROUST system [Johnson and Soloway ....] ... matches student programs against a description of the correct solutions to an exercise.


  • Intelligence artificielle
  • Éducation permanente

Système expert (tels MENO-II et PROUST) construit par le groupe d'Elliot Soloway à l'Université de Yale, orienté vers une utilisation par des programmeurs novices, et possédant des connaissances stéréotypées sur la programmation.


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