La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2002-06-20


Subject field(s)
  • Orbital Stations

In the summer of 1994 NASA approved adding an optical-quality nadir-viewing window to the U.S. Laboratory Module of the International Space Station. The window can view 39.5 degrees forward along the axis of the ISS, 32.2 degrees aft, and a total of 79.1 degrees from port to starboard. The window is constructed of three panes of fused silica and a fourth protective kick pane made of glass laminate. From outboard to inboard, the panes are: OUTBOARD - An external debris pane that can be changed by an EVA astronaut if damaged. A redundant pressure pane. A primary pressure pane. A scratch or "kick" pane that protects the primary pressure pane from being damaged if the crew or equipment make contact with the window [and] provides a UV-IR coating to protect the crew members. INBOARD - The kick pane is removed during window research operations to take advantage of the full spectrum of radiation that passes through the fused silica panes. When not in use, the window is protected by the kick pane on the inside, and by an external cover on the outside. The external cover can be rotated in or out of position from within the cabin by an astronaut using a hand crank.


external debris pane: term officially approved by the International Space Station official approval Group (ISSOAG).


  • Stations orbitales

vitrage anti-débris : terme uniformisé par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de la Station spatiale internationale (GTTSSI).


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