La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2010-12-21


Subject field(s)
  • Atmospheric Physics
  • Astrophysics and Cosmography

... the fraction of the total incident solar radiation -the radiation at all wavelengths- that is reflected or scattered by an object in all directions ...


The Bond albedo is the total radiation reflected from an object compared to the total incident radiation from the Sun. The Bond albedo for the Earth is given as 0.29 by de Pater and Lissauer, compared to their value of 0.37 for the geometrical albedo.


Bond albedo: named for the American astronomer George Bond (1826-1865) ...


Bond albedo ... is an important measure of a planetary body's energy balance.


albedo: A measure of the reflecting power of a nonluminous object, such as a planet, moon, or asteroid. Albedo (from the Latin "albus" for "white") is expressed as the fraction of light and/or other radiation falling on an object [or a surface] that is reflected or scattered back into space; its value ranges from 0, for a perfectly black surface, to 1, for a totally reflective surface.


Albedo is differentiated into two types, normal albedo and bond albedo.


  • Physique de l'atmosphère
  • Astrophysique et cosmographie

[...] rapport entre l'énergie radiante qui tombe sur une planète [un corps], et la totalité de l'énergie radiante réfléchie par la planète [ce corps].


Albédo de Bond (ou global, ou planétaire) - il caractérise la proportion de flux d'énergie réfléchie dans toutes les directions par un corps supposé sphérique et éclairé par un flux de rayons parallèles.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Física de la atmósfera
  • Astrofísica y cosmografía

[...] fracción entre toda la energía reflejada por un cuerpo y la energía incidente.

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