La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2000-10-31


Subject field(s)
  • Roofs (Building Elements)
  • Waterproofing (Construction)

Due to the fact that different brands of roofing tiles are made from different materials, there can be no single approved method for applying tile roofs ... The following are two acceptable methods of installing Lifetile tile roofs. The first is based on a test report submitted by Lifetile. The second method is based on a procedure accepted by the Southern Building Code Congress through the National Evaluation Service. One of these two methods shall be used to apply Lifetile tile roofs. These methods do not apply to any other brands of tile roofing.


... in regards drainage systems: Protective layers must permanently protect structure sealants from damaging influences, whether these be of static, dynamic or thermal origin. They may, in individual cases, form functional layers of the structure. In other words, the tile covering, as a protective layer designed to use, is actually a component of the sealant system.


Replacing the old roof covering with a new, different roof covering may be difficult. Replacing asphalt shingles with a heavier slate or concrete tile covering may not be practical if the roof is not designed to take the increased loading.


In the end, we advised that all the tiles be removed to replace defective deck panels and install new underlayment. After testing several types of clay and concrete tiles at a 3 in 12 slope in our laboratory facilities, we concluded that tile roofing was not suited to such a low slope.


  • Toitures (Éléments du bâtiment)
  • Étanchéité (Construction)

La couverture en tuile de terre cuite est utilisée dans la plus grande partie de la France. Partant d'une même matière première, l'argile, la fabrication des tuiles répartie dans toutes les provinces, a donné naissance à une grande variété de types de tuiles, tant par leur forme que par leurs dimensions.


Couverture. Ensemble des ouvrages et matériaux de revêtement qui assurent le «couvert» d'un édifice. La couverture, partie extérieure de la toiture, ne participe pas à la stabilité des ouvrages, mais doit protéger de façon étanche et durable les superstructures d'un édifice contre les intempéries [...]


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Techos (Elementos de edificios)
  • Impermeabilización (Construcción)
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