La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-05-17


Subject field(s)
  • Petrography

"Schistes lustrés" are the fine-grained, lustrous, low-grade metamorphic phyllites or schists of the alpine geosyncline. General practice in English is to retain this term which has great specificity.


These outcrops were once part of the sediment that lay on the floor of the Tethys ocean. Originally they were slightly calcareous and muddy. During metamorphism the clay minerals have been changed to mica, here arranged in dark, elongate clots. The rock is now very shiny - hence it is called informally "schistes lustrés."


This study deals with the different components of a part of the Tethyan suture in the north-western French-Italian Alps. It concerns more precisely the lithostratigraphic and structural analysis of the so-called Schistes lustrés complex. ... The Schistes lustrés complex is resolved into three different lithostructural sets of units. The two lower ones, born of the European palaeo-margin for the lowest and of the palaeo-oceanic realm or Tethys for the other, are made of calcschists and marbles labelled by syn-orogenic detrital deposits of composite origin, oceanic and continental.


  • Pétrographie

Méta-sédiments océaniques qui doivent leur aspect lustré à la présence de mica blanc.


On [...] rencontre [séricite, damourite, phengite, pinite, etc.] dans les schistes métamorphiques (schistes lustrés, schistes verts, mica-schistes supérieurs), dans les gisements hydrothermaux ainsi que dans les produits d'altération des feldspaths et de nombreux silicates.


Des marnes on passe aux schistes calcarifères appelés schistes lustrés dans les Alpes [...]


Certains schistes sont dits «lustrés», car ils brillent au soleil […]


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