La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2011-12-06


Subject field(s)
  • Physical Fitness Training and Bodybuilding

How to perform the Smith machine deadlift. First, set up the Smith bar on the floor with the desired weight you want to lift. Walk up to the bar so that your shins are directly against the Smith bar. Squat down towards the bar until your upper thigh is parallel to the floor. Next, grab the bar with a mixed grip with one hand overhand and one hand underhand. Now, drive your hips upward by contracting your quads and glutes. You are attempting to bring the weight upwards as you stand up. As the bar is being lifted off of the floor, begin to straighten your back up so that it is fully erect. This will utilize the muscles in the back. Once your have reached full standing position, slowly lower the weight back toward the floor.


  • Conditionnement physique et culturisme

Le soulevé de terre barre guidée sert à développer le dos, sans solliciter les obliques.


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