La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 2002-03-21


Subject field(s)
  • Remote Sensing

The science and techniques involved in using imaging spectrometers.


Imaging spectrometry ... is the field in remote sensing where sensors acquire image data in many, narrow and contiguous wavebands. The aim is to produce on a pixel by pixel basis radiance and reflectance data, which can be used to model physical properties of the Earth surface. This data forms an addition to subsurface geophysical data.


Imaging spectroscopy has many names in the remote sensing community, including imaging spectrometry, hyperspectral, and ultraspectral imaging. Spectroscopy is the study of electromagnetic radiation. Spectrometry is derived from spectro-photometry, the measure of photons as a function of wavelength, a term used for years in astronomy. However, spectrometry is becoming a term used to indicate the measurement of non-light quantities, such as in mass spectrometry (e.g. Ball, 1995). Hyper means excessive, but no imaging spectrometer in use can hardly be considered hyper-spectral, after all, a couple of hundred channels pales in comparison to truly high resolution spectrometer with millions of channels. Ultraspectral is beyond hyperspectral, a lofty goal that has not yet been reached. ... Researchers at the USGS Spectroscopy Lab are studying and applying methods for identifying and mapping materials through spectroscopic remote sensing (called imaging spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, imaging spectrometry, ultraspectral imaging, etc), on the Earth and throughout the solar system using laboratory, airborne and spacecraft spectrometers.


imaging spectrometry; imaging spectroscopy; hyperspectral imaging: terms officially approved by the RADARSAT-2 Terminology Approval Group (RTAG).


  • Télédétection

Utilisation de la radiométrie spectrale pour obtenir des images potentielles ou réelles d'une scène.


Les dernières découvertes en matière de télédétection (comme l'apparition des appareils de radiométrie spectrale imageante à haute résolution) nous permettent d'acquérir des données plus détaillées sur les écosystèmes des milieux humides, concernant en particulier la forme et les dimensions des zones humides, la portée et la distribution de la végétation des milieux humides, les types de végétation qui s'y trouvent et l'utilisation des terres adjacentes.


radiométrie spectrale imageante; spectroradiométrie imageante : termes uniformisés par le Groupe de travail de la terminologie de RADARSAT-2 (GTTR).


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