La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1997-04-15


Subject field(s)
  • Environmental Studies and Analyses

We take the consequences of long-term evolution as the norm but interrupted in eons past by at least several large comets colliding with the Earth. Hence, the most appropriate biodiversity standard for any area on Earth is the relatively "wild" and "uncontaminated" condition of ecosystems and their organisms that would now be present had major human influences not modified or eliminated the geologically normal biodiversity in the area or region. We know generally about the history of norms of the planetary ecosphere through the study of geography, geology, palaeontology, ecology, and evolution. "Normal" in this sense means that over eons of time there have evolved baselines defining the natural order in which biodiversity thrives in any part of this planet.


  • Études et analyses environnementales

Les normes de la biodiversité. Pour pouvoir évaluer l'état de la biodiversité d'un pays, il nous faut une norme de référence.


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