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Test yourself

Choose the correct word.

  1. The country music jamboree was so loud that the baby woke up and the cat started spitting at (whoever/whomever) walked by.


  2. Amir is a gifted actor, one (who/whom) even the harshest critics are certain will succeed.


  3. After the takeover is announced, qualified counsellors will be on hand to speak with (whoever/whomever) reacts badly to the news.


  4. (Who/Whom) will the new paint-colour bylaw benefit the most?


  5. (Who/Whom) shall I say is calling?


  6. Do you have any idea (who/whom) you will take with you on your getaway to the Seychelles?


  7. Do you have any idea (who/whom) will accompany you on your getaway to the Seychelles?
