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impress by, impress on, impress upon, impress with

Whether the impression being made is physical (on a surface) or figurative (in terms of reputation or knowledge), the verb phrase may be either impress on or impress upon.

  • The artist makes a print by impressing the original on paper.
  • The idyllic scene impressed itself on my memory forever.
  • Teachers try to impress upon their students that correct spelling is essential to clear writing.

The element which causes the impression is generally introduced using the preposition by or with, although in some instances the preposition is unnecessary.

  • Marty impressed the judges by leaping high into the air, somersaulting twice, and landing steadily on his skates.
  • Don’t be so easily impressed by a flashy exterior!
  • Deanna impressed everyone with her determination to overcome stage fright.
  • She bought a Mercedes? I’m not impressed (by that).