The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.

Search history

Search term Search criteria Subject field Delete saved record
SEMI-POSITIVE MOULD English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - SEMI-POSITIVE MOULD
couvercle du boîtier French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - couvercle du boîtier
SPOT REGRAVELLING English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - SPOT REGRAVELLING
PROGRAMME ACTION SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - PROGRAMME ACTION SECURITE ALIMENTAIRE
RAPPORT RADIATION French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - RAPPORT RADIATION
CALLED-PARTY RELEASE English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CALLED-PARTY RELEASE
ORDRE MILICE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - ORDRE MILICE
CONTACTEUR DEMARREURS French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CONTACTEUR DEMARREURS
RESEAU FEMMES TPSGC French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - RESEAU FEMMES TPSGC
FIELD BRIS English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - FIELD BRIS
dialogue interactif en ligne French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - dialogue interactif en ligne
REMORQUE PM French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - REMORQUE PM
BP2K HELP DESK English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - BP2K HELP DESK
TETE All terms All subject fields Delete saved record - TETE
STEERING COMMITTEE English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - STEERING COMMITTEE
BRUCELLOSE BRUCELLA ABORTUS French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - BRUCELLOSE BRUCELLA ABORTUS
CHRONIC LYMPHOID LEUKAEMIA English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CHRONIC LYMPHOID LEUKAEMIA
CUIVRE ARGENT EXEMPT OXYGENE French terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - CUIVRE ARGENT EXEMPT OXYGENE
GEOGRAPHY English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - GEOGRAPHY
SLOW DOWN VIDEO WRITES English terms (exact term) All subject fields Delete saved record - SLOW DOWN VIDEO WRITES


Language Portal of Canada

Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including quizzes.

Writing tools

The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.

Glossaries and vocabularies

Access Translation Bureau glossaries and vocabularies.

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