The Government of Canada’s terminology and linguistic data bank.


Is a term missing from our data bank? Do you want to suggest a change to an existing record? Please let us know!

When suggesting a term, please provide as much information as possible. If a record needs to be updated, tell us which one and how it could be improved.

Terms and conditions for submitting suggestions to TERMIUM Plus®

All submissions become the property of the Government of Canada. Do not submit copyrighted material. All submissions will be read. The Translation Bureau will contact you if necessary.


Language Portal of Canada

Access a collection of Canadian resources on all aspects of English and French, including quizzes.

Writing tools

The Language Portal’s writing tools have a new look! Easy to consult, they give you access to a wealth of information that will help you write better in English and French.

Glossaries and vocabularies

Access Translation Bureau glossaries and vocabularies.

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