La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.

CARTE SOINS [1 fiche]

Fiche 1 2009-09-11


Subject field(s)
  • Medical and Hospital Organization

Flow chart to guide provision of health care to, and anticipated response of, patients with specific disease conditions. [OCRDHC, The Foundation for Change Technical Report, 1995]


Care maps outline treatment for patients who may require services from several different organizations or providers. By integrating the practices and experiences of each provider, care maps help the physician and the health care team set out a plan for all necessary patient care, thus helping define how each provider contributes to the overall patient plan. This approach improves efficiency by ensuring that all steps are performed at the optimum time...care maps also provide the most timely, efficient and effective access to treatment... care maps help physicians and others identify both trends in treating patients with the same conditions as well as deviations from the trends... Care maps also improve communication between patients and physicians or other health care providers. The patient better understand what role each health care provider plays and the physician is able to educate patients and their families about what to expect and how to speed recovery.


  • Organisation médico-hospitalière

Outil utilisé dans le cadre du "case management". Il précise, pour chaque jour, les activités et les soins prévus pour un épisode de soins donné.


Les termes "carte de soins" et "cheminement critique abrégé" de même que la définition française nous ont été fournis par une infirmière de l'hôpital St-Luc, Montréal.


Campo(s) temático(s)
  • Organización médica y hospitalaria
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