La banque de données terminologiques et linguistiques du gouvernement du Canada.


Fiche 1 1998-07-14


Subject field(s)
  • Occupation Names (General)
  • Recruiting of Personnel

One specializing in the recruitment and selection of middle and senior executives on behalf of client companies. These consultants are normally expert in selection techniques, including psychological testing and interviewing and assessment procedures. They usually handle recruitment advertising as an integral part of their recruitment and selection service. Often, they act as a kind of broker between applicant and prospective employer, sometimes undertaking not to divulge the applicant's name and identity to the prospective employer until and unless the applicant gives permission. In the case of vacancies for very senior appointments, a selection consultant may act as a so-called head-hunter or executive search consultant, seeking out suitable people in other firms rather than advertising for applicants in the conventional way. Selection consultants are usually independent organizations or individuals, or they may be Government sponsored bodies such as the Professional and Executive Recruitment service (PER) in the UK. A distinction should normally be made between selection consultants and employment agencies, these latter organizations being largely concerned with introducing office staff and unskilled or semi-skilled manual staff to prospective employers.


  • Désignations des emplois (Généralités)
  • Recrutement du personnel


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