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à bâtons rompus

broken, chit-chat, free-flowing, free-ranging, have an informal conversation, in fits and starts, intermittent, make casual conversation, make idle conversation, make small talk, on-and-off, talk about everything and nothing, talk about this and that

  • j’ai eu l’occasion d’avoir une conversation à bâtons rompus avec elle - I had the opportunity to have an informal conversation with her
  • on a eu une conversation à bâtons rompus - we made casual (or idle) conversation
  • ils ont causé à bâtons rompus pendant des heures - they talked about everything and nothing for hours
  • les deux filles parlaient à bâtons rompus - the two girls were talking about this and that (were chit-chatting, making small talk)

Note: In some instances, the expression à batons rompus may be translated into English by an adjective, as in the following examples:

  • j’ai dormi à bâtons rompus hier soir - I had a broken night’s sleep
  • les discussions seront ouvertes, franches et à bâtons rompus - discussions will be open, frank and free-flowing (free-ranging)
  • la trêve a mis un terme à sept décennies de guerre à bâtons rompus - the truce brought an end to seven decades of on-and-off (intermittent) warfare

Note: In some instances, the expression à batons rompus may be translated into English by an adverb, as in the following example:

  • nous avons travaillé sur ce projet à bâtons rompus - we worked on this project in fits and starts