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American dollar (symbol) (Linguistic recommendation from the Translation Bureau)


To standardize the way the symbol for the American dollar is written in English and French, the Translation Bureau makes the following recommendation.

Symbol for the American dollar in English

In general texts

In an English document, when you need to specify the type of dollar (Canadian, American, Australian, etc.), the Translation Bureau recommends using the symbol US$ to represent the American dollar.

Write the country symbol (US) first, immediately followed by the dollar sign ($) and the dollar figure:

  • US$25.99

Do not place the dollar sign before the country symbol:

  • US$1.65 (not $US1.65)

Do not put a space between US and the dollar sign:

  • US$2.50 (not US $2.50)

In the area of finance

In the area of finance, especially in texts discussing currency values and exchange rates, the universal code USD is the usual symbol used.

USD is the international currency code established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to represent the American dollar. It is composed of the country code (US), followed by the letter "D" for "dollar."

Write the code first, followed by a non-breaking space and the dollar figure:

  • USD 350 million
  • CAD 125.00 = USD 121.22, at an exchange rate of 0.9697 [CAD is the international currency code for the Canadian dollar.]

Note that the dollar sign is redundant if used with the international code USD:

  • USD 800 000 (not USD$, USD $, $USD orUSD)

Symbol for the American dollar in French

In general texts

In a French document, when you need to specify the type of dollar (Canadian, American, Australian, etc.), the Translation Bureau recommends using the symbol $ US to represent the American dollar.

The symbol $ US is composed of the dollar sign ($) and US, the country code established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) to represent the United States.

The dollar sign is placed to the right of the dollar figure. Use a non-breaking space after the dollar figure, and between the dollar sign and the country code:

  • 25,99 $ US

In addition, do not place the dollar sign after the country code, and do not omit the space between the dollar sign and the country code:

  • 2,50 $ US (not US $ or US$)

Note: The symbol $ US is identical in form to the symbol recommended in French for the Canadian dollar: $ CA.

In the area of finance

In the area of finance, especially in texts discussing currency values and exchange rates, the universal code USD is the usual symbol used.

USD is the international currency code established by the ISO to represent the American dollar. It is composed of the country code (US), followed by the letter "D" for "dollar."

Write the dollar figure first, followed by a non-breaking space and the code:

  • 350 000 USD
  • 125,00 CAD = 121,22 USD, selon un taux de change de 0,9697 [CAD is the international currency code for the Canadian dollar.]

Note that the dollar sign is redundant if used with the international code USD:

  • 800 000 USD (not USD$, USD $, $USD or $ USD)

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